Color in art therapy, autorica: Andrijana Šantić, koautori: Krešimir Šantić, Jasmina Pacek, Dunja Degmečić

Datum i vrijeme:
ponedjeljak 8.4.2019., 8:00 - 16:00
utorak 9.4.2019., 8:00 - 16:00
srijeda 10.4.2019., 8:00 - 16:00
četvrtak 11.4.2019., 8:00 - 16:00
petak 12.4.2019., 8:00 - 16:00
subota 13.4.2019., 8:00 - 16:00

Mjesto održavanja:
Medicinski fakultet, Josipa Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek

Vrsta događanja:

Studenti, liječnici i medicinsko osoblje Klinike


Art Therapy is integrative mental health and human services profession, originated in the fields of art and psychotherapy. It is a creative method of expression used as a therapeutic technique which helps to explore and express difficult thoughts and feelings. Some individuals who have mental illness expressed themselves in drawings and other artworks, which led many to explore the use of art as a healing strategy. Since then, art has become an essential part of the therapeutic field, and it used in some assessment and treatment techniques. Art therapy can be a great way to relax. Consider these therapy if you're looking to feel a little more laid back, for example, exercise how to paint music. Letting your creativity flow in response to music is a great way to let out feelings and relax.

In this study, we would try to show you how important is color in art therapy and how we use colors in a scale of Formal elements art therapy scale to do an assessment and how it may be easier to diagnose a mental disorder and get closer to the differential diagnosis in the psychiatry.


Autor: Šantić Andrijana, dr. med. liječnica na specijalizaciji iz psihijatrije;

      , 0958891391

Andrijana Mišković rođena 23. 08. 1992.godine u Vinkovcima. Srednjoškolsko obrazovanje završila sam u Gimnaziji Županja, te sam potom završila Medicinski fakultet u Osijeku (2017.godine) u trajanju od šest godina, te odradila petomjesečni pripravnički staž u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Osijek. U Ministarstvu zdravstva Republike Hrvatske položila sam stručni ispit za doktora medicine te upisana sam u Hrvatsku liječničku komoru. Početkom svibnja 2018.godine dobila sam posao kao doktor obiteljske medicine na zamjeni u Domu zdravlja Osijek. Tijekom svog studiranja bila sam predan student i uz uspješno studiranje sam radila kao demonstrator na katedri Anatomije i neuroznanosti te katedri za internu medicinu, obiteljsku medicinu i povijest medicine. Kao sudionik nekoliko kongresa imam objavljene postere te brojna predavanja koja sam održala pred kolegama i studentima iz psihijatrijskog djela medicine. U Kliničkom bolničkom centru Osijek započinjem sa specijalizantskim radom u rujnu 2018.godine.

Šantić Andrijana1,; Šantić Krešimir,; Jasmina Pacek3; prof. prim. dr. sc. Dunja Degmečić, dr. med. 1,4

1 Clinical Hospital Centre in Osijek, Psychiatric Clinic Osijek

2 Clinical Hospital Centre in Osijek

3 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek,The Academy of Arts in Osijek

4 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Medicine